# Spinner

The Spinner field returns the value entered in its input box or via clicks on its arrow buttons.

# Arguments

Name Type Default Description
type string spinner Value identifying the field type.
min string/int 0 Value to set the minimum spinner value.
max string/int 1 Value to set the maximum spinner value.
step string/int 1 Value to set the spinner step value.

# Build Config

Build a Custom Configuration →
Changes you make to this form will be reflected in the generated code.
Field visibility requirements.

Redux::set_field( 'OPT_NAME', 'SECTION_ID', array(
    'type' => 'spinner'
) );

# Example Config

Redux::set_field( 'OPT_NAME', 'SECTION_ID', array(
    'id'       => 'opt-spinner',
    'type'     => 'spinner', 
    'title'    => esc_html__('JQuery UI Spinner Example 1', 'your-textdomain-here'),
    'subtitle' => esc_html__('No validation can be done on this field type','your-textdomain-here'),
    'desc'     => esc_html__('JQuery UI spinner description. Min:20, max: 100, step:20, default value: 40', 'your-textdomain-here'),
    'default'  => '40',
    'min'      => '20',
    'step'     => '20',
    'max'      => '100',
) );

# Example Usage

This example in based on the example usage provided above. Be sure to change $redux_demo to the value you specified in your opt_name argument.

global $redux_demo;

echo 'Spinner value: ' . $redux_demo['opt-spinner'];