# Global Arguments Reference

Redux has arguments at a variety of levels, but those at the instance level are referred to as global arguments. A list of the core global arguments are had below.


For an example of how to set global arguments, see the Redux::set_args() documentation.

# admin_bar

Default: true

If set to true, the option panel will appear in the admin bar. Making it easy for your users to quickly get to your panel.

# admin_bar_icon

Default: dashicons-admin-generic

String value indicated which icon to use for the admin bar icon. Please refer to the Dashicons Cheat Sheet (opens new window) for a list of available icons.

# admin_theme

Default: wp

Set the theme for the option panel. Accepts wp|classic. wp will load the currently seleected admin theme, while classic loads the Redux v3 styling.

# allow_sub_menu

Default: true

This is the variable that determines whether section labels are displayed below the admin menu.

# async_typography

Default: false


This argument has been deprecated in Redux 4.x. Please use the font_display argument instead.

# cdn_check_time

Default: 1440

Time before Redux checks to see if the CDN is still accessible.

# class

This argument may be set to append any number of classes to the main Redux class attribute.

# customizer

Default: true

This argument sets the flag to enable or disabled basic WordPress customizer (opens new window) support.

# customizer_only

Default: false

This argument determines whether to hide the options panel (leaving options accessible only through the customizer). For developing themes specifically for wordpress.org, this argument will need to be set to

# database

Default: ''

This argument sets the database mode for how Redux options are stored in the database. Currently, the only mode accepted is network for multi-site panel support! Otherwise, leave this argument blank for default functionality.

For normal operation, leave this argument blank, otherwise, choose from one of the following modes. Modes marked as experimental have not been fully tested and may not function properly:

  • network: For multi-site support
  • transient: (experimental) - Sets options as transients, and will expire in the time set via transient_time.
  • theme_mods, theme_mods_expanded (both experimental) - Saves modifications for the current theme.

# default_mark

Default: ''

This is the variable specifies the symbol to print by the field's title when the field is set to the default value. default_show must be set to true. The * symbol is recommended.

# default_show

Default: false

This is the variable that enabled or disables whether the field's default value is displayed next to the field's title.

# dev_mode

Default: true

This is the variable that enables or disables Redux's developer mode. When developer mode is set to true, the load time is displayed at the bottom of the options panel. Also, Redux loads all field and core JavaScript in non minimized form.

Default: false

If set to true, the Google fonts link output for typography will be enabled.

# disable_save_warn

Default: false

This argument determines if the 'save changes' notice appears at the top of the option panel when any changes are made.

# display_name

Default: $theme->get('Name')

This argument sets the title that appears at the top of the options panel.

# display_version

Default: $theme->get('Version')

This argument set the version number that appears after the title at the top of the options panel.

# elusive_frontend

Default: false

Set this argument to true if you require the elusive fonts loaded on the front end.

# flyout_submenus

Default true

Enabled or disables the flyout submenus for submenus on the option panel.

# font_display

Default: swap

Determines how a font face is displayed based on whether and when it is downloaded and ready to use. Accepts auto|block|swap|fallback|optional. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/font-display (opens new window) for more information.

Default: <p>This text is displayed below the options panel. It isn't required, but more info is always better! The footer_text field accepts all HTML.</p>'

This argument set the text to be displayed at the bottom of the options panel, in the footer section. Use of HTML is permitted.

# global_variable

Default: ''

This argument serves two purposes:

    1. Rename the global variable from the opt_name value.
    1. Disable the global variable from being defined at all if the value is set to false.

# google_api_key


This argument has been deprecated in Redux 4.x

# google_update_weekly


This argument has been deprecated in Redux 4.x

# help_sidebar

Default: <p>This is the sidebar content, HTML is allowed.</p>

This argument sets the text that appears on the left-hand side of the help dropdown, at the top of the option panel page. HTML is permitted. Any text passed should be surrounded by the <p> paragraph tags.


$content = '<p>' . esc_html__( 'This is the sidebar content, HTML is allowed.' . '</p>', 'your-textdomain-here' );
Redux::set_help_sidebar( $opt_name, $content );

Alternatively you can set the global arg help_sidebar in this manner to produce the same result.

$content = '<p>' . esc_html__( 'This is the sidebar content, HTML is allowed.' . '</p>', 'your-textdomain-here' );
Redux::set_args( $opt_name, array( 'help_sidebar' => $content ) );

Redux 3.x Users

For function name changes, please refer the Redux 4.x Migration guide.

# help_tabs

This argument sets the individual tabs in the help dropdown. HTML is permitted. Any text passed should be surrounded by the <p></p> paragraph tags.

Name Type Description
id string A unique ID representing the individual help tab.
title string Text representing the title of the help tab.
content string Text to display in the help tab content area. This string should be surrounded by <p></p> paragraph tags. HTML is permitted.


            'id'      => 'redux-help-tab-1',
            'title'   => esc_html__( 'Theme Information 1', 'your-project-name' ),
            'content' => '<p>'.  esc_html__( 'This is the tab content, HTML is allowed.' . '</p>', 'your-project-name' )
            'id'      => 'redux-help-tab-2',
            'title'   => esc_html__( 'Theme Information 2', 'your-textdomain-here' ),
            'content' => '<p>' . esc_html__( '<p>This is the tab content, HTML is allowed.' . '</p>', 'your-project-name' )

Alternatively you can set the global arg help_tabs in this manner to produce the same result.

    array( 'help_tabs' => array(
            'id'      => 'redux-help-tab-1',
            'title'   => esc_html__( 'Theme Information 1', 'your-textdomain-here' ),
            'content' => '<p>' . esc_html__( 'This is the tab content, HTML is allowed.' . '</p>', 'your-textdomain-here' )
            'id'      => 'redux-help-tab-2',
            'title'   => esc_html__( 'Theme Information 2', 'your-textdomain-here' ),
            'content' => '<p>' . esc_html__( 'This is the tab content, HTML is allowed.' . '</p>', 'your-textdomain-here' )

Redux 3.x Users

For function name changes, please refer the Redux 4.x Migration guide.

# hide_expand

Default: false

This variable determines if the 'Expand Options' buttons is visible on the options panel.

# hide_reset

Default: false

This variable determines if the 'Reset All and 'Reset Section' buttons are visible on the options panel.

# hints

The hints argument requires settings involving multiple arrays. Thus, an entire article has been devoted to its usage. Read more on using Hints in fields.

# intro_text

Default: <p>This text is displayed above the options panel. It isn\'t required, but more info is always better! The intro_text field accepts all HTML.</p>

This variable sets the text that appears at the top of the options panel, but below the title. HTML is permitted.

# last_tab

Default: ''

This variable sets forces the option panel to open at the specified tab number.

# load_on_cron

Default: false

Redux, by design, will not run when cron jobs are triggered. If you require the global varaiable to be set with you theme options during a cron job, set this argument to true.

Default: ''

This variable accepts a URL to a custom icon to be displayed in the primary menu icon.

Default: menu

This variable sets whether the admin menu is displayed. Accepts either menu, submenu, or hidden.

Default: Sample Options

This variable sets the text to display as the admin menu's label, and only when the admin menu is available.

# network_admin

Default: false

This variable enables the network admin when using the network database mode.

# network_sites

Default: true

This variable enables sites as well as admin when using the network database mode.

# open_expanded

Default: false

This variable determines if the option panel sidebar is to be displayed. This may be useful for an option panel with only one section.

# opt_name

Default: redux_demo

This is the variable where all option data is stored in the database. It also acts as the global variable in which data options are retrieved via code.

# output

Default: true

This variable acts as a global shut-off for the framwork's dynamic CSS output. When set to false, Google fonts are also disabled.

# output_tag

Default: true

This variable sets whether dynamic CSS will be generated for the customizer and Google fonts. However, when set to false, dynamic CSS will no longer print to the page head.

# page_icon

Default: icon-themes

This variable sets the icon appearing in the admin panel, next to the menu title.

# page_parent

Default: themes.php

This variable sets where the option menu will be places on the WordPress admin sidebar. For a full list of options, visit: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_submenu_page#Parameters

# page_priority

Default: ''

This variable accepts a number specifying where the menu will appear in the admin area.

# page_permissions

Default: manage_options

This variable set the permission level required to access the options panel. For a complete list of roles and capabilities, please visit this page: https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities (opens new window)

# page_slug

Default: _options

This variable set the page slug to denote the options panel. It's recommended to place a unique string (i.e. - theme name) before the value's underscore.

# page_title

Default: Sample Options

This variable sets the title to be displayed on the panel page.

# save_defaults

Default: true

This variable sets whether the default values are saved to the database on load, before Save Changes is clicked.

# settings_api

Default: true

Turns off the use of the settings API. Primarily useful for Customizer-Only instances.

# share_icons

The share_icons argument sets an array of social website icons at the bottom-left of the options panel, before the footer. Any icon or link may be used to indicate any social networking site. Each icon requires its own array block, as shown above.

Name Type Description
url string Full URL to your specific page of the chosen social networking site.
title string Title to display as the alt tag of the icon.
icon string Specific Elusive Icon (opens new window) to display.
img string Optional. Full URL to the icon to use in place of a font icon.
$args['share_icons'][] = array(
    'url'   => 'https://twitter.com/reduxframework',
    'title' => 'Follow us on Twitter',
    'icon'  => 'el el-twitter'

$args['share_icons'][] = array(
    'url'   => 'https://www.linkedin.com/company/redux-framework',
    'title' => 'Find us on LinkedIn',
    'icon'  => 'el el-linkedin'

# show_import_export

Default: true

This variable sets whether Redux will display the Import/Export tab at the bottom of the options panel. Please note, if the Import / Export feature is used as a field, this tab will not display regardless the value set to it.

# transient_time


This variable set the amount of time to assign to transient values used within Redux. This is an advanced option. If you do not understand what it does, please do not change it.

# update_notice


This argument has been deprecated in Redux 4.x

This variable sets whether Redux will display an admin notice when a new build is ready for download via GitHub (opens new window). This feature is only available when dev_mode is set to true.

# use_cdn

Default: true

Tells Redux to use CDN for various JS libraries, or to use an embedded extension.